[ad_1] As an Architect, my clients often ask me whether the Vastu guidelines regarding rituals before and during construction (Bhoomi pooja, Griha Pravesha etc) have any scientific basis and/or are necessary. To that I say, they give you positivism and psychologically make you feel that you have sent away the old spirits dwelling in that … Read more

How to get rid of duality?

[ad_1] How to get rid of duality? The five indications or signs of a disturbed mind are mentioned in the Patanjali Yoga Sutras: Read more about How to get rid of duality? [ad_2] Source link

Unravelling the mysteries of the mind

[ad_1] Impact of the moon and planets on our mind Planets do have an impact on us, just as they have an impact on water – since seventy percent of our body is the element of water.  So, the mind, water, and planets are all intimately connected. Hence, the microcosm and macrocosm are connected.  The … Read more

Moving from Head to Heart

[ad_1] The head worries and the heart feels. The two cannot function at the same time. When your feelings dominate, worry dissolves. If you worry a lot, your feelings are dead and you are stuck in your head. Worrying makes your mind and heart inert and dull. It steals your energy and prevents you from … Read more

Why is respect important?

[ad_1] When someone respects you, it is not because you possess some virtues; it is because of their greatness. If you say God is great, it means YOU are great. God is already great–your saying so doesn’t affect God. When you respect someone, it shows your own magnanimity. However many people you don’t respect in … Read more

What is Loyalty?

[ad_1] What is Loyalty? Loyalty is the way in which a mature and integrated mind behaves. Loyalty indicates undivided wholeness of consciousness and shows richness of the mind. When the mind, is not integrated it is feverish, disloyal and opportunistic. Disloyalty comes out of opportunism. Opportunism is being short-sighted about one’s destiny. Integrity or wholeness … Read more

What is faith?

[ad_1] What is faith? Faith and alertness appear to be completely opposite in nature. When you are alert there usually is no faith, and you feel restless and insecure. When you have faith your mind is secure and in a restful state, and you are not alert. There are three types of faith: Read more … Read more

The Joy of Sharing!

[ad_1] The Joy of Sharing! When you share your misery, it doesn’t reduce. When you don’t share your joy, it reduces. Share your problems only with the Divine, not with Tom, Dick, or Harry – that just increases the problem. Share your joy with everybody. Darren: How do you help people who share misery with … Read more

Why do you respect someone?

[ad_1] Why do you respect someone? Because of their good qualities, right? Like honesty, wisdom, love, talents, behaviours. But all these change in time. And when they change, you lose re- spect. You only respect greatness. I have tremendous respect for each and everyone. Not for their greatness or wisdom or talent, but for their … Read more