Vastu for money: 5 common mistakes that are secretly blocking your wealth


According to Vastu, the entrance to your home or office serves as the gateway for energy to enter. If your entrance is obstructed or cluttered, it can symbolically block opportunities and financial blessings from reaching you. Similarly, a door that squeaks or sticks may signify resistance to new opportunities.

Tip: Ensure that your entrance is well-lit, unobstructed, and welcoming. Keep the pathway clear and consider adding elements like plants or attractive decor to invite positive energy and abundance into your space.

4. Northwest Deficiency: Missing Opportunities

In Vastu Shastra, the northwest direction is associated with financial stability and opportunities. If this area of your home or office is neglected or underutilised, it could signify missed opportunities or financial instability.

Tip: Enhance the northwest sector of your space by keeping it clean, well-lit, and clutter-free. Consider adding elements such as wind chimes, crystals, or images that symbolise prosperity and abundance to activate positive energy flow in this area.

5. Clutter: The Enemy of Prosperity

Ishita Sitwala

Picture this: your home or office cluttered with stacks of papers, unused items, and general disarray. While it may seem harmless, clutter is the most obvious and common obstacle to the free flow of energy, including financial abundance. In Vastu Shastra, clutter is believed to obstruct the flow of positive energy and attract negativity, ultimately impeding financial growth.

Tip: Declutter your space regularly by getting rid of items you no longer use. Keep your surroundings clean and organised to allow positive energy to circulate freely, paving the way for wealth and prosperity.

While there’s no magical formula for instant wealth, aligning your living or working space with Vastu principles can create an environment conducive to financial prosperity. Remember, small changes in your environment can lead to significant shifts in your financial well-being.

Also read: Feng Shui: Some of your favourite plants could actually attract bad luck


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