Spiritual Significance of the Spring Equinox and Autumn Equinox Gateways
Since Ancient times, the Equinox has been honored as a powerful time to tap into the wisdom of the Earth, the light of the Sun, and to your own profound connection with Source, with the entire Cosmos, and with all of life.
The transitional moment of the Equinox is a moment in time where there are immense possibilities for transcending limitations and embodying a higher sense of Truth, Presence and Divine I Am, Light.
The Spiritual Significance of the Equinoxes
The entire journey the Earth makes around the Sun represents the cycles of light and darkness, as well as the cycles of birth, growth, life, decline, death and rebirth.
Equinoxes happen twice each year, approximately March 20th and September 21nd, when the Sun’s rays shine directly on the Equator.
During these two points of the year, the tilt of the Earth (in its rotational orbit) comes into straight alignment with the Sun. When this astronomical event happens, the Sun crosses the celestial equator and we experience the Equinox days, a time of balanced day and night where there are roughly 12-hour days and 12-hour nights, and light and dark.
This is an auspicious time, where there is a perfect balance created and all over the planet, as day and night are approximately equal. Masculine and feminine are balanced, and there is a balance between light and dark creating a supportive and harmonizing energy for all.
Sri Sri Ravi Shankar shares that in the yogic tradition: “”In equinox, the day and night are of equal length. In life, we should also aim for balance between work and rest, giving and receiving, and activity and restfulness.
Depending on what Hemisphere you’re in, and the time of year, the Equinox marks either the arrival of Spring or Autumn.
With the Spring Equinox, the light of day begins to grow longer as the hemisphere embraces Spring with all its new life and fresh energy, and begins its movement towards the Summer Solstice. With the Autumn Equinox, the harvest season arrives, as summers bounty is celebrated, and we begin to prepare for Winter, where the days grow as shorter and the Winter time of rest approaches.
Equinox Energy is An Ascension Trigger
With each passing Equinox, a new wave of balance, light and an opportunity to transcend illusion and step into more of our authentic truth and soul light emerges.
“There is an opening, an energy gate, and there will be more. This is a part of restoring the divine blueprint for your world… Peaking on the progressing equinoxes, the crystalline energies that have lain dormant for so long are being activated.” ~Archangel Metatron channeled by Melanie Beckler
Equinox Activations
There is immense benefit in taking the time to consciously tune into the Equinox energies, and step through the open gateway to claim all that is available now.
Tune In With Support: Get the New 2024 Angelic Equinox Activations Here! >>
During the equinox, immense light and crystalline energy of light is be available for you to download, by tuning into your heart, allowing… and when you do a divine realignment, cleanse, and connection to your path and life’s purpose will occur.
This is a powerful and sacred time for you to identify the intentions you truly desire to manifest in your physical life on Earth, and on your spiritual ascension path.
Let go of self-imposed limitations, doubts, and fears, and allow yourself to imagine being truly connected to your true power, light, and ability to create blessings, joy, and love in your life.
What have you wanted in life and not believed to be possible or dared to go after?
Now is the time to look within and to remember your authentic desires… And then to plant new seeds and ideas about what is possible for you in this life.
Each Equinox in procession continues to build and increase in frequency.
Avoid being overwhelmed by this energy which can feel intense at times. It’s not the new levels of light that feel intense, but rather the release and letting go of the old. Intensity comes when we hold onto the past instead of freely letting it go.
Release into the light, return to love, and ride the Equinox waves of light and transformational change on the planet.
Here is a powerful Equinox meditation series to support you on and around the time of the Equinox, whether that happens to be Spring or Autumn:
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What Is the Difference Between the Spring and Fall Equinox?
Spring Equinox Meaning
The Spring Equinox, or Vernal Equinox is the entrance into a new cycle of growth that is spring.
Astrologically, this is the beginning of the tropical new year. It is a powerful time to reconsider what goals or wishes you would like to manifest in the coming days.
Spring cleaning is supported now, so let go of all that no longer serves you… spiritually, mentally, and physically! Let go, relax, and allow yourself to flow with the natural rhythm of the Earth around you.
The Spring Equinox is Mother Earth’s celebration of rebirth. Let the increased light bring inspiration to your spirit and your heart. Give yourself permission to celebrate this now! This is a time of balance and harmony. A moment of respite as the sun is centered between Northern and Southern Hemisphere and centered between earth and sky. This creates a sacred cross, offering to balance and harmonizing energy for our planet and for humanity.
This powerful growth energy serves you. Tune into your heart… and to the awareness that you are connected to all that is. From this space, you have all that you need to heal, to grow… to witness miracles in your life.
Click Here for 5 Simple Rituals for Celebrating the Spring Equinox >>
Autumn Equinox Meaning
While this Equinox marks the point of diminishing sunlight, it is also a time of harvest where we celebrate all that has come to fruition in the bright light of summer.
It’s a time of facing our inner shadow, and the concepts of death, void, and blackness.
The Autumn Equinox is a powerful time to tune into gratitude, reflection and to prepare for winter where the beautiful opportunity to journey inward emerges from the cold and dark.
With Autumn Equinox, it’s a beautiful time to honor how far you’ve come and return to balance and presence before continuing onward in the journey through life.
Discover 17 Powerful Ways to Honor the Autumn Equinox here >>
Or enjoy this Autumnal Equinox Ritual!
Return to Balance and Harmony
Whether you’re heading into Spring or Fall, the balanced time on and around the Equinox aims to assist you in balancing your own life with the true desires of your heart. Now is the time to take inventory of where you have been, and where you are going. You are supported now in breaking free from any remaining chains that have hindered or blocked your growth.
Now is the time to take inventory of where you have been, and where you are going. You are supported now in breaking free from any remaining chains that have hindered or blocked your growth and stepping into a new level of your highest authenticity and soul light.
One of the key ways to support yourself in making this alignment is regular meditation, where you create coherence with your heart, mind, and the higher levels of light and Divine love.
To gain access to all of my newest angel meditations and activation’s, be sure to check out The Angel Solution Membership!

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