The iQOO Z9 made its official debut last month in India equipped with the Dimensity 7200 chipset, a 120Hz AMOLED and a 5,000 mAh battery with 44W charging. The Z9 series is also expected to launch in other markets – one of which is Malaysia where we’ll see the iQOO Z9 5G and Z9x go official tomorrow. Ahead of the big unveiling, vivo Malaysia’s official website listed renders and key specs for both devices.
The Z9 5G will offer a Snapdragon 7 Gen 3 chipset, 144Hz AMOLED display and 6,000 mAh battery with 80W fast charging. The device will feature a similar design to the iQOO 12 series and will come in Breeze Green and Phantom Black colors. The listing confirms two trims with an 8/256GB base version and a 12/256GB storage version.
iQOO 9x looks similar to the iQOO Z9 launched in India but it will feature a Snapdragon 6 Gen 1 chipset, 120Hz refresh rate screen, and 6,000 mAh battery with 44W charging. Z9x will be available in Northern Green and Mystic Black colors and 8/12GB RAM and 12/256GB storage trims.
In related news, iQOO Z9 Turbo is expected to launch later today in China.
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