I Am Prosperity Affirmations – Listen and Repeat to Receive 💸✨


I Am Prosperity 

The words “I Am” are powerful. Speaking “I Am” empowers you to become aware of Divine I Am Presence, the Higher Intelligence that is a part of your Consciousness, the Divine in you, as you, that perfectly embodies all the qualities of prosperity, love, and grace you dream of being in yourself.

You only have to claim these qualities, resonate with “I Am” to claim the prosperity that is your birthright, to have, embody, remember, and become.

I Am affirmations are a powerful way to infuse your conscious and subconscious mind with the intentions you’re now choosing to resonate with.

Repeat in your mind or out loud the following affirmations often. It’s often said it takes 21 days to rewire a new belief, and so repeat these affirmations to reprogram and recalibrate your state to one that is in perfect coherence with the prosperity in abundance you seek. Take a breath and repeat.

Tap into the flow of Prosperity in Abundance through listening to or reading aloud these affirmations daily to manifest abundance in your life.

Just allow, the Divine Qualities of Abundance, Prosperity, Success, and Light, I Am Presence within you to be awakened and activated in you now.

These I Am Affirmations by Melanie Beckler are set to Meditation music by Thaddeus.

I Am Prosperity Affirmations

I AM prosperous. I AM abundant. I AM successful. I AM optimistic and open to the blessings of life.

I see that I AM surrounded by opportunity. I have the power to create my reality. My heart is open to give and receive love.

I AM resilient, strong, and courageous. I AM thriving. I AM one with the Source of all prosperity.

I AM generous and full of gratitude. I AM affluent. I AM opulent. I AM kind-hearted.

I AM living in alignment with love and abundance. I know that I AM surrounded by opportunity. I have the power to create my reality.

My heart is open to give and receive love. I AM resilient, strong, and courageous.

I AM thriving. I AM one with the Source of all prosperity. I AM a prosperity magnet. I AM one with the vibration of wealth. I resonate with unlimited abundance.

I NOW manifest wealth with grace. I AM wealthy. Prosperity is my natural state. My thoughts and actions resonate with the vibration of wealth. I AM an unlimited being. I AM prosperity. I AM wealthy. I AM abundant in all areas of my life. I AM joyful and successful. Money freely flows into my reality from multiple avenues and directions. My wealth is increasing every day.

I AM prosperity consciousness. I overflow the blessings of prosperity out beyond me to bless and benefit all. I embrace the abundance of life. I see Divine prosperity within and all around me. I celebrate the success and good fortune of others.

I have a generous heart and spirit. I AM attuned to the vibration of prosperity. I resonate with wealth. Every dollar I spend comes back multiplied. Money flows to me easily and frequently. I attract prosperity with joy and ease. I AM open to wealth. I AM open to being wealthy. I AM open and receptive to the abundance that life has to offer. I AM aligned with the energy of prosperity. Money flows to me easily and frequently. I AM an open vessel for infinite abundance. I AM an infinite being. I remember that I AM a Divine Soul in human form, here to learn, grow, serve, and remember. Money flows to and through me.

I AM open to new avenues of income and prosperity. I’m open to the opportunities and doors opening before me. I AM worthy of the abundance life has to offer. I AM living in alignment with the energy of success. I AM guided to align with greater prosperity in every moment. I AM prosperity in manifestation. I AM prosperity in action. Prosperity flows to me effortlessly and naturally.

I AM open to all the blessings coming my way. I AM wealthy. I AM in the flow of abundance. I overflow blessings of prosperity out beyond me to benefit others. I AM so grateful for the flow of prosperity in my life. I AM a money magnet. I AM financially free. I AM open and receptive to new avenues of income. I resonate with the vibration of wealth. I AM attuned to the vibration of opulence. I AM a master of prosperity. I AM aligned with abundance. I AM in alignment with the energy of success. I know that I AM worthy of the abundance life has to offer. I feel so grateful for the abundant blessings coming my way. My appreciation and love for life are constantly expanding.

I AM expansive. I AM open and receptive to the flow of prosperity. Every day in every way, I AM becoming more and more prosperous. I deserve and welcome abundance into my life. I NOW align with the energy of prosperity in abundance.

I know that abundance is my birthright and I claim it NOW. I AM a magnet for prosperity, wealth, and blessings. Every transaction I engage with results in a win-win outcome for all. The universe supports all of my endeavors and fills my life with abundance. I AM grateful for the wealth that consistently flows into my life. I AM in the stream of wealth and abundance. My relationship with money is healthy, positive, and prosperous.

My consciousness resonates with Divine prosperity. I see the opportunities for abundance all around me. I AM a conduit for prosperity, goodness, and love. I trust the Divine plan for my life. I trust the universe to provide. I live in a state of abundant gratitude. I AM worthy of receiving abundance in its highest expression. I AM Divine abundance. I have a prosperous mindset. My mindset attracts blessings of prosperity into my life. I give freely and know the more I give, the more I receive. I NOW release limiting beliefs about money and embrace prosperity consciousness. The universe loves and supports me in manifesting abundance in my life NOW.

In every moment, I AM attracting and creating wealth. I have the Midas touch. Everything I touch turns to gold.

I live in the new paradigm of abundance and infinite possibility. I AM so grateful for the blessings of abundance. I always have more than enough. All of my investments are profitable. Abundance is constantly pouring into my life. My capacity to receive and flow with abundance expands every day. I manage the money I have with skill and confidence. I give freely of myself and prosperity returns to me multiplied. I’m constantly surrounded by signs of abundance and prosperity. I see and celebrate prosperity in the lives of others. I AM aligned with the abundance of my higher self. There’s money all around me and flowing into my experience.

I create abundant value for others and it returns to me tenfold. The universe is showering me with abundance. I know that prosperity is my natural state and I now choose to embrace it. I AM an embodiment of abundance.

My bank account grows exponentially as I resonate more and more with the vibration of prosperity. I AM grateful for the unlimited flow of blessings into my life. I AM grateful for my income. I AM grateful that my income is constantly increasing. I AM now earning income, whether I’m working, sleeping, eating, or doing anything at all. My income is ever increasing, whether I’m working, sleeping, or simply being. I AM financially abundant. I AM in tune with my inner wisdom. I embrace new experiences and opportunities. I AM open and allowing. I AM confident and trust my inner guidance. I AM focused and persistent. I act on Divine inspiration. The energy of abundance surrounds me. I AM grateful for money. I attract money easily and frequently. I have more than enough. I AM generous. My money works for me. I joyfully celebrate the abundance in my life and in the lives of others. My relationship with abundance is constantly evolving and expanding. I AM expanding to resonate with the highest possibilities for my life. I trust in the flow of life and allow prosperity to manifest in all areas of my experience.

My actions, thoughts, and beliefs are in harmony with prosperity. I attract wealth and success with grace. Every transaction I engage with results in a win-win outcome for all. I celebrate the success and good fortune of others. I know that abundance and prosperity are possible. I AM grateful for the ever-increasing abundance that fills my life. Abundant opportunities come to me easily and frequently. I AM grateful for the abundance that flows to me from multiple sources. Every day, I’m making choices that lead to greater abundance. I AM a beacon of prosperity and attract prosperity from all directions.

My vision of abundance is clear and it manifests in my life NOW. I AM attracting blessings. I AM so grateful for all the abundance in my life. I AM creative. I AM pure consciousness. I AM prosperous. I AM wealthy. I AM. I AM grateful for the constant flow of wealth and prosperity to and through me.

Abundance and I are One. I Am aligned with the flow of abundance.

I Am prosperity. I Am grateful for the abundance in my life.

I Am grateful to be alive. I Am peaceful and centered. I Am prosperous. I AM


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