A Holiday Angel Prayer
It’s perfect for calling in love, light and angels… Helping you to shift out of any stress, fear or drama…
And to step into the incredible blessings that are all around, right here and now!
For the best results, take a moment to breathe…
Consciously relax, envision light all around you…
Focus within on your heart, allowing your heart to open, and love to fill you from within…
Then think or say:
“Beloved Source of All, guides and angels …
Thank you for your guidance, protection and love this Holiday Season and always….
I ask that you please help me to stay centered and present in love and light…
Keep me, my loved ones and everyone safe and healthy…
I ask that you shine your light and love around the world and help all beings to feel safe warm and loved.
Help keep my energy clear, and my light bright so I may effortlessly love, give and be kind to others.
Help me to tune into gratitude and into the blessings in each and every present moment…
And help me to see the miracles and witness your presence and love.
Thank you, thank you, thank you,
And so it is.”
Happy Holidays!
With love, light and gratitude,

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P.S. For further support in maintaining a state of love and light over the Holiday’s and stepping into the New Year…
Be sure to check out the incredible new DNA Activation course here!
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