Activating the Divine Feminine
A little while ago I was meditating my souls deepest prayer for my life.
This was part of an annual visioning workbook from Rebecca Campbell I was going through, and as a part of it, there was this prompt to invite your soul to give you a flower that represents your souls deepest prayer.
The flower I received was a delicate Glacier Lily (the little yellow flower in the bottom right of the artwork for this post).
Tuning into the essence and symbolism of the wild little Glacier Lily brought me such a rich and deep inner soul message that was really inspiring to me.
Wild Glacier Lily’s are a symbol of winters end, and represent beauty, purity, transformation, rebirth, devotion and so much more.
Wild Lilies in general are so magical. They act like soul medicine for our emotions, and offer multidimensional support for the Divine Feminine Awakening Soul.
As I contemplated the messages of the Wild Lilies, and the prayer of my soul for my life, affirmations started pouring through me into my journal.
And today, I’m excited to share them with you:
Awaken The Divine Feminine Within
The following Divine Feminine Affirmations for Awakening are channeled to inspire and empower you to access, activate, and embody the Divine Feminine power, light, and Shakti within.
As you listen to these affirmations, allow the light, Shakti of the Divine Feminine, to shine within you.
Repeat aloud or in your mind to remember:
Divine Feminine Awakening Affirmations >>
Regardless of gender, we each carry the essence of the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine within us.
Through activating the potential of the feminine Divine, we bring a greater expression of the love, compassion, and wisdom inherent in all to the surface of our awareness and life.
Listen, repeat and enjoy to activate the Divine Feminine energy within you.
It’s also very powerful to write out affirmations, to make this easy for you I’ve transcribed the Divine Feminine Affirmations for Awakening for you here:
Divine Feminine Awakening Affirmations
I Am empowered by love.
I honor my cyclical nature.
I Am deeply rooted in truth.
I Am blessed and protected always.
I Am tender care and love.
I Am Divine Love.
I Am compassionate and forgiving with myself.
I Am tenderness.
I Am joyful and alive.
I Am creative.
I honor the cyclical nature of life.
I Am free.
I Am in love with light.
I Am fully present here now.
I Am grounded and centered.
I honor the cycles of life.
I welcome joy and harmony in my life.
I Am confident and centered.
I Am gentle and powerful.
I Am empowered by love.
I lift the spirits of others.
I Am so grateful for all the blessings in my life.
I Am openness.
I Am allowing.
I embody my true self.
I Am so grateful for all the blessings in my life.
I Am profoundly intuitive.
I Am worthy.
I Am meant to be here.
I Am divinely feminine.
I embody my truest self.
I Am openness.
I Am allowing.
I trust in love.
I Am compassion in action.
I Am perfect balance of Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine.
I see the good, true, and beautiful.
I welcome blessings in my life.
I trust life.
I embrace my authentic freedom of expression.
I welcome the new.
I welcome the open expression of my true self.
I Am filled with joy.
I embody vibrant life force.
I Am delighted to be life.
I Am a creative, pure spirit.
I Am free to express myself.
I Am Shakti in manifestation in action.
I Am beautiful.
I Am powerful.
I honor my spiritual sensitivity.
I give myself free reign.
I honor the Divine Feminine in me and in you.
I Am a clear expression of the Divine Feminine.
I access the source of all knowing within me.
I Am living in alignment with my Aivine purpose.
I Am a vessel for Divine Love.
I Am a chalice for Divine Light.
I Am open and allowing.
I Am infinite.
I Am radiant.
I Am pure potentiality.
I Am infinite space.
I Am the zero point field.
I Am Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine in perfect harmony.
I Am sensual.
I Am warmth.
I Am strong and self-assured.
I Am mystical.
I embody truth.
I Am serene and centered.
I honor myself.
I Am grateful.
I Am patient.
I trust myself.
I Am magical.
I know that I am sacred.
I remember who I am.
I accept myself.
I accept all of me.
I Am one with all life.
I Am peaceful.
I Am nurturing.
I Am fierce tenderness.
I Am the wisdom of my ancestors.
I Am wise.
I Am surrendered to Divine will.
I Am a world bridger.
I honor myself.
My body is a sacred temple for my soul.
I now allow my light to shine.
I surrender to the flow of love.
I Am the healing life force.
I Am Divine Awareness.
I Am acceptance.
I Am remembering who I am.
I Am safe.
I Am sensitive to the higher realms of spirit.
I Am the love of the Divine mother.
I Am the Divine Feminine Christ.
I Am Gaia, Maria, Sophia, Shakti, Lakshmi, I Am.
I Am Divine.
I welcome the Divine Feminine.
I welcome light and life.
I Am so blessed.
I Am now open to the magic of life.
I Am in alignment with synchronicity.
I Am in the flow of love.
I Am Divine Grace.
I Am vibrant life force.
I Am stillness.
I Am the power of transformation.
I Am Divine.
I honor my humanness and my divinity.
I Am now aligning with the highest Divine possibilities for my life.
I Am the goddess.
I Am intuitive.
I honor my sensitivity.
I honor my gentle inner spirit.
I welcome my power.
I remember that I Am.
I Am that, I Am.
I Am Divine Feminine.
I Am Divine Light.
I Am Divine.
And so it is.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Om Sri Matre Namaha.
With love and bright blessings,
P.S. Today’s artwork of the Wild Lilies is featured for April in this years calendar. It’s now on sale for 30% off through the Full Moon here:
Get the 2024 Art Print Calendar Here >>
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