56 Remembrance and Memorial Quotes
As we commemorate the lives of those we’ve lost, quotes can often provide comfort, perspective, and a sense of connection. They remind us that we are not alone in our grief and that love and memory transcend the boundaries of physical existence. Words cannot erase our loss, or even accurately convey our deepest sympathy, and yet, sometimes the right words really can make all the difference as we honor the memory of an amazing person, and remember that while they are gone from our lives, their spirit lives on,
In this post, I’ve compiled a collection of touching remembrance quotes. These words echo the universal human experience of loss, honor the enduring impact of those we’ve loved and lost, and celebrate the eternal nature of love.
Whether you’re seeking solace, crafting a fitting tribute, or simply taking a moment to remember a loved one, friends or loving family lost, I hope these quotes bring you comfort and inspire reflection.
You can draw upon these memorial quotes when writing a condolence card, incorporating them into a memorial program, or simply seeking comfort during a difficult time. Let their wisdom and warmth serve as a tender reminder of the enduring presence of those we have lost, celebrating their lives and the love they shared.
These memorial quotes offer a gentle reflection on the power of loving memory and the eternal connection between hearts, regardless of physical absence.

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Remembrance and Memory Quotes compiled from many different sources:
“After your death, you will be what you were before your birth.”— Arthur Schopenhauer
“The body is only a garment. How many times you have changed your clothing in this life, yet because of this, you would not say that you have changed. Similarly, when you give up this bodily dress at death you do not change. You are just the same, an immortal soul, a child of God.”— Paramahansa Yogananda
“There are no goodbyes for us. Wherever you are, you will always be in my heart.”— Gandhi
“Those we love don’t go away, They walk beside us every day, Unseen, unheard, but always near, Still loved, still missed and very dear.”— Unknown
“Death is no more than passing from one room into another. But there’s a difference for me, you know. Because in that other room I shall be able to see.”— Helen Keller
“Life and death are one, even as the river and the sea are one. In the depths of your hopes and desires lies your silent knowledge of the beyond; and like seeds dreaming beneath the snow, your heart dreams of spring. Trust the dreams, for in them is hidden the gate to eternity.” — Kahlil Gibran
“Death is only a level crossing from one life to another, from life in its beginnings to life in full achievements. From this incomplete life to that transformed one.” — Raoul Plus
“Life is eternal and love is immortal; And death is only a horizon, And a horizon is nothing save the limit of our sight.”— Rossiter W. Raymond
“I believe there are two sides to the phenomenon known as death, this side where we live, and the other side where we shall continue to live. Eternity does not start with death. We are in eternity now.”— Norman Vincent Peale
“Perhaps they are not stars, but rather openings in heaven where the love of our lost ones pours through and shines down upon us to let us know they are happy.”— Inuit Proverb
“Death – the last sleep? No, it is the final awakening.” — Walter Scott
“Death is nothing else but going home to God, the bond of love will be unbroken for all eternity.”— Mother Teresa
“You live on earth only for a few short years which you call an incarnation, and then you leave your body as an outworn dress and go for refreshment to your true home in the spirit.” — White Eagle
“Choose to see death as simply removing a garment or moving from one room to another… it’s merely a transition.” — Wayne Dyer
“I know for certain that we never lose the people we love, even to death. They continue to participate in every act, thought, and decision we make. Their love leaves an indelible imprint in our memories. We find comfort in knowing that our lives have been enriched by having shared their love.”— Leo Buscaglia
“To live in hearts we leave behind Is not to die.”— Thomas Campbell
“For death is no more than a turning of us over from time to eternity.”— William Penn
“The angels are always near to those who are grieving, to whisper to them that their loved ones are safe in the hand of God.” — Eileen Elias Freeman
“When you are sorrowful look again in your heart, and you shall see that in truth you are weeping for that which has been your delight.” — Kahlil Gibran
“The tide recedes but leaves behind bright seashells on the sand. The sun goes down, but gentle warmth still lingers on the land. The music stops, and yet it echoes on in sweet refrains….. For every joy that passes, something beautiful remains.” — Unknown
“Your end, which is endless, is as a snowflake dissolving in the pure air.” — Zen Proverb
“For life and death are one, even as the river and the sea are one.” — Khalil Gibran
“I’ve told my children that when I die, to release balloons in the sky to celebrate that I graduated. For me, death is a graduation.” — Elisabeth Kübler-Ross
“As long as we live they too will live, for they are now are a part of us, as we remember them.” — Jewish Prayer
“Never the spirit was born; the spirit shall cease to be never; Never was time it was not; End and Beginning are dreams! Birthless and deathless and changeless remaineth the spirit forever; Death hath not touched it at all, dead though the house of it seems.” — The Bhagavad Gita
“How glorious is life after death! No more will you have to lug about this old baggage of bones, with all its troubles. You will be free in the astral heaven, unhindered by physical limitations.” — Paramahansa Yogananda
“End? No, the journey doesn’t end here. Death is just another path, one that we all must take. The grey rain-curtain of this world rolls back, and all turns to silver glass, and then you see it.” — J.R.R. Tolkien
“Seeing death as the end of life is like seeing the horizon as the end of the ocean.” — David Searls
“Death is simply a shedding of the physical body like the butterfly shedding its cocoon. It is a transition to a higher state of consciousness where you continue to perceive, to understand, to laugh, and to be able to grow.” — Elizabeth Kubler-Ross
“Just as a little bird cracks open the shell and flies out, we fly out of this shell, the shell of the body. We call that death, but strictly speaking, death is nothing but a change in form.” — Swami Satchidananda
“You will lose someone you can’t live without, and your heart will be badly broken, and the bad news is that you never completely get over the loss of your beloved. But this is also the good news. They live forever in your broken heart that doesn’t seal back up. And you come through. It’s like having a broken leg that never heals perfectly — that still hurts when the weather gets cold, but you learn to dance with the limp.” — Anne Lamott
“There is a sacredness in tears. They are not the mark of weakness but of power. They speak more eloquently than ten thousand tongues. They are the messengers of overwhelming grief, of deep contrition, and of unspeakable love.” – Washington Irving
“I’m not afraid of death because I don’t believe in it. It’s just getting out of one car and into another.” —John Lennon
“The day which we fear as our last is but the birthday of eternity.” —Seneca
“The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen nor even touched, but just felt in the heart.” — Helen Keller
“Those who love deeply never grow old; they may die of old age, but they die young.” — Sir Arthur Wing
What we have once enjoyed and deeply loved we can never lose, for all that we love deeply becomes a part of us. — Helen Keller
“Our legacy is really the lives we touch, the inspiration we give, altering someone’s plan – if even for a moment – and getting them to think, cry, laugh, argue. More than anything, we are remembered for our smiles; the ones we share with our closest and dearest, and the ones we bestow on a total stranger, who needed it right then, and God put you there to deliver.” —Carrie Hamilton
They shall grow not old, as we that are left grow old: Age shall not weary them, nor the years condemn. At the going down of the sun and in the morning we will remember them.” — Laurence Binyon
“Well done, good and faithful servant. You have been faithful over a little; I will set you over much. Enter into the joy of your master.” – Matthew 25:21
Short Memorial Quotes to Honor Those We Love Deeply
While even a thousand words don’t hold the power to return our lost loved ones to us, memorial quotes can help to honor the lives, recall beautiful memories, and perpetuate the legacies of our loved one lost. In each of the remembrances quotes and in every tribute, we can express the indelible mark our loved ones have left on our lives and the world, knowing that while they will be missed beyond measure, their spirit continues to brightly shine on in our hearts, minds, and memory.
“Those we have held in our arms for a little while, we hold in our hearts forever.” — Khalil Gibran
“Love has no age, no limit, and no death.” — John Galsworthy
“A life that touches others goes on forever.”— Unknown
“Wherever a beautiful soul has been there is a trail of beautiful memories.” –Ronald Reagan
“Mothers hold their children’s hands for a while, but their hearts forever.” — Unknown
“But the pain of grief is only a shadow when compared with the pain of never risking love.” —Hilary Stanton Zunin
“I did not see you close your eyes or hear your last sigh. I only heard that you were gone, too late to say goodbye.” — Unknown
“No one spread more love in one lifetime. The song has ended but the melody lingers on.” — Irving Berlin
“Always on my mind. Forever in the heart.” — Unknown
“Death leaves a heartache no one can heal; Love leaves a memory no one can steal.” — Unknown
“Life is a dream walking. Death is going home.”— Proverb
“To live in hearts we leave behind is not to die.” — Thomas Campbell
“Don’t cry because it’s over. Smile because it happened.” – Theodore Geisel (Dr. Seuss)
“We do not remember days, we remember moments.” — Cesare Pavese
“Love is eternal — the aspect may change, but not the essence.” — Vincent Van Gogh
“I am because you were.” — Unknown
May you find peace to bring you comfort, courage to face the days ahead, and loving memories that serve as a beacon of love, forever held in your heart.
With love and blessings,

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