How to get rid of self-doubt?

[ad_1] How to get rid of self-doubt? Doubt cannot come where there is a sense of closeness. Doubt needs distance to appear. You never doubt something that is dear to you, close to you. The moment you doubt, it is no longer dear to you; a distance has come. You may doubt yourself, but you … Read more

How to escape from time?

[ad_1] When you are happy, the mind expands; then time appears too short. When you are unhappy, the mind contracts; then time appears too long. When the mind has equanimity, you transcend time. To escape from time, many resort to alcohol, sleep, etc., but when the mind is dull or unconscious, it is unable to … Read more

How to break Habits?

[ad_1] How to get rid of vasanas (impressions)? This is a question for all those who want to come out of habits. You want to get rid of habits because they give you pain and restrict you. The nature of a vasana is to bother you – bind you – and wanting to be free … Read more

How to break Habits?

[ad_1] How to get rid of vasanas (impressions)? This is a question for all those who want to come out of habits. You want to get rid of habits because they give you pain and restrict you. The nature of a vasana is to bother you – bind you – and wanting to be free … Read more

How to stop worrying right away?

[ad_1] First, recognize that you always worry. Turn back, and see that you worried last month, yet, you are still surviving now. You wasted your time worrying last year, and you’re still sitting here now – complete and whole. So, with your own experience of worrying, you will know that worrying is futile.  To get … Read more

FAQs on how to deal with stress and its offsprings

[ad_1] Stress is an unavoidable companion in today’s modern day world. It can cause serious health issues, and make you lose your peace of mind, So, it is best nipped in the bud, isn’t it?  Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar has suggested some insightful and humorous answers to those niggling doubts we have on dealing … Read more