My 2024 Blogging Goals for Traffic and Income – Twins Mommy


We made it mama!

It’s 2024, and it’s a New Year to change habits, try new strategies and set some amazing blogging goals.

The blogging world has been through a lot over the years, but I feel 2024 is THE year for us.

I mean, with all the SEO updates, the traffic drops and finding other ways to monetize your blog, if you made it out of that – you’ve got IT for 2024 and beyond.


2023 wasn’t the best year for my business or for my health, so I’m just going to keep on moving and work on having a fantastic 2024.

So, if you’re excited about 2024 (or if you are just unsure about it all) I hope my goals will inspire you to grow your blog traffic and make some money.

Feel free to make my goals your blogging goals and share with me in the comments your blog growth plan!

My Focus is Changing

Last year put a lot of things into perspective for bloggers.

What worked before – people finding my blog on Google or Pinterest – just wasn’t happening by March of 2023.

AI was what EVERYONE was talking about from March until November of this year, and that meant people weren’t focus on what really worked.

*raises hand*

It wasn’t until November that I realized this and decided to change it. So, let’s look at what I’m going to work on for 2024 so that I can continue making five figures every month.

1. I’m Dialling Down on Pinterest

Look –

Pinterest is a love hate thing.

She’s the popular girl who you wished looked your way and when she did, you couldn’t believe it!

But, you know what?

I think Pinterest graduated and is in college now. This means she’s mellowed out and I’m finding that what didn’t work before, works like gangbusters NOW.

(Psst…I found 15 things that actually worked and I put it all in my brand new eBook for Pinterest)

My new eBook

So this gives me hope for traffic and building an audience.

If Pinterest is my game right now, what changed? What am I not focussing now?

Well, that’s SEO, or search engine optimization.

This is getting ranked in Google and other search engine results. When someone starts a brand new blog, Google ignores their blog for almost 6-10 months.

Why? Because using keywords to rank takes a very long time to show up on Google.

There’s immense competition on Google and it takes a strong blog to rank.

My newest niche website is using a combination of SEO and Pinterest and I’ve noticed Pinterest is the dominator.

Pinners click to my blog posts and even click on the products I share for affiliate marketing.

So what does that mean for SEO?

Will I still find keywords for my blog posts? Yes….but…

It will not be my only focus. I will not be so stringent with the keyword.

For example, if the keyword is Pinterest Marketing Tips, I might write my headline like:

25 Amazing Tips to Ramp Up Your Marketing on Pinterest

The words in the keyword is there but not in order.

Google understands now what this post means and there is no need to double down on using SEO the right way because….everyone is using SEO that way…so you can’t be found.

I will talk about this more in an upcoming Youtube video so make sure to subscribe to my channel.

I’m excited for this switch and looking forward to growing my blog even more.

2. I’m Focussed on Monetizing My Youtube Channel

My Youtube channel is growing slowly and I know why – it’s on the back burner of my marketing strategy.

I have another channel that is growing faster and helping me grow my email list and income, so it’s hard to NOT focus on something that’s working well.

But, I think I can generate similar results with my Youtube channel if I freaking focus on it…which is working at the moment.

My Youtube channel analytics

One video and one short gave me more views than any other time on this channel.

So that means I just need to hustle a little more and focus on creating valuable long form and short form content MORE frequently.

I’m hoping to pump out videos every 2 days for a bit.

This will help me reach my 4,000 watch hours. To monetize a Youtube channel, you need at least 1,000 subscribers and 4,000 watch hours for long form content.

With shorts, it’s something like 10 million views, which seems outrageous.

This is where I’m at with my watch hours.

My watch hours

I feel 2024 will be THE year to get monetized on Youtube.

I’m excited for this achievement as it will add another income stream for my business.

If you would like to help, subscribe to my channel and binge watch my recent videos! Thanks!

3. Breaking Up Ready Set Blog for Traffic Course

This might come as a surprise to you, but I’ve been thinking about this for almost three years now.

I love my course, Ready Set Blog for Traffic and I market it all over Youtube, Instagram and in my email list.

So, what is happening? Why am I doing this?

Over the years I’ve seen the advantage of having multiple products at low prices.

This might mean having dozens of printables, or eBooks, or masterclasses instead of an A-Z full blown out course.

People are migrating to shorter content (Reels, TikTok and Youtube shorts are dominating) and that means people want to consume content easily and with less time.

That’s one of the reasons I want to split up Ready Set Blog for Traffic into three or four masterclasses.

The second reason is that it will be a heck of a lot easier to update….more regularly.

SEO, content, and Pinterest are constantly changing and having to update 30+ lessons is time consuming and a challenge.

So, to relieve this stress on me, I want to build a suite of masterclasses that are an hour or few hours long that’s filled with the most up-to-date information.

What if you are already a student of Ready Set Blog for Traffic? You’ll be adopted into this new format, so don’t worry!

I know this will give you better actionable tips when I can quickly update my masterclasses or workbooks.

4. Maybe Open the Doors to Pinterest Audits and Coaching?

Lately, I’ve been reading and watching videos from Pinterest coaches and am loving the information being presented.

This is coupled with my Youtube videos about Pinterest being some of my most popular videos showing me people want help with Pinterest.

And, since offering a service is something I’ve been doing longer than blogging, it seems like this could be a nice fit to my focussing on Pinterest.

I would probably do:

  • Pinterest audits to check your profile and pins to help you optimize them better
  • Pinterest coaching which is creating a 30 day marketing plan and having me design your pins for those 30 days
  • All done for you Pinterest management package so everything is hands off for you
  • Focus on businesses/coaches/service providers to help them market their products better on Pinterest

I’m excited for this new service and can’t wait to help other mompreneurs!

5. Pay More Attention to Instagram

I go in spurts with Instagram.

Some weeks I can post to my Stories every day but other weeks I don’t post at all.

I’m hoping to change that and be more consistent.

This means:

  • Updating my Stories every day or every other day
  • Posting once or twice a week
  • Focus helping coaches, freelancers and bloggers

I used to think I could only post business things but I’ve been watching other mompreneurs and I’m seeing lifestyle content so I started playing with that on my Stories and on my posts too…and really enjoying that aspect of my profile.

I can be more authentic and “free” to post what I want.

So, why pay attention to Instagram and not TikTok or another social profile?

Because my Pinterest clients will probably be there and it’s an easy way to grow your audience (I’m finding).

I just have to be more intentional and consistent.

That Should Be My Word for 2024


It’s a skill I have but I just need the motivation and time management to make it happen for me.

And I realize it’s okay if I’m not consistent but it doesn’t hurt to strive to be more consistent in my marketing strategy for my blog and business.

So, tell me –

What are your blogging goals for 2024?

I’d love to hear them.


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