The Legacy and Light of Mary Magdalene
Throughout history, Mary Magdalene has long been a figure of fascination, mystery, and reverence. Her depiction has seen many transformations throughout time, each reflecting the society and mindset of the period.
Interpretations of Mary Magdalene’s identity vary profoundly, from being one of Master Jesus’ closest disciple and a wise woman in the lineage of Isis, to a repentant sinner, a spiritual guide, and even a symbol of the Divine Feminine.
Irrespective of these differing images, her essence as a paragon of spiritual power and the feminine aspect of divinity, remains consistent.
Mary Magdalene is a beloved spiritual guide, and a powerful, compassionate, and empowering Divine Mother for our times.
She works closely with the angelic realms, the Magdalene Frequency and codes, and today, her light and her unwavering service to humanity are very active in service of humanity.
Mary Magdalene’s wisdom and magic, her strength, energy and peace, provide a guiding light illuminating the path for humanity towards our awakening, spiritual transformation and ascension.
Mary Magdalene is a tower of strength and a pillar of peace, compassion, and Divine Feminine Christ Consciousness.
But why is such a powerful spiritual figure so misunderstood in history? “His-story”.
Mary Magdalene: A Misunderstood Master
In her time, Mary Magdalene was a spiritual teacher of immense power and wisdom. However, she lived in an era when women were largely silenced and not allowed to be spiritual teachers.
Despite societal norms, her fervor, courage, and unwavering devotion made her a beacon of spiritual light. Known by many as a powerful healer and teacher, she was also a close, if not the closest disciple of Master Jesus.
Today, the Catholic Church, despite their historically distorted portrayal of Mary Magdalene as a repentant sinner, acknowledge her pivotal role in Christ’s resurrection story, and honor her as a saint, her feast day is July 22.
Forget the stories you may have heard about Mary Magdalene as being a prostitute. The Vatican itself has publicly disavowed this notion, admitting that the depiction of Mary Magdalene as a prostitute lacks biblical substantiation. This erroneous depiction originated from an early Pope Gregory, who mistakenly conflated Mary Magdalene with another biblical woman who had a past as a prostitute, thus igniting the enduring myth despite other texts and references depicting Mary Magdalena in a much different light.
Beyond the Old and New Testament – The Gospel of Mary
Modern researchers have diligently examined various early Christian Gnostic texts or “codices” originating from the second century. One fragment from a preserved codex is the Gospel of Mary, not included in the canonical gospels included Bible today.
The Beloved Companion The Gospel of Mary Magdalene
In this text, Mary Magdalene shares a vision with the disciples, filled with profound spiritual insights and teachings. Here she is portrayed as a source of wisdom and a leader among the apostles. Her voice in these ancient scriptures debunks the long-held misconceptions about her character and reaffirms her integral role in the early Christian movement, and in bringing Christed Consciousness and activating it on the planet.
Such reconsideration of Mary Magdalene’s narrative, reflects the evolving attitudes towards female leadership within religious and spiritual domains.
In an act signifying the renewed understanding and appreciation of her role, in 2016 Pope Francis elevated the liturgical commemoration of Mary Magdalene from a memorial to a feast day. This brought her status in line with the apostles, emphasizing her paramount contribution as an “Apostle to the Apostles,” the first witness of Christ’s resurrection, and a crucial messenger of His teachings.
This was a momentous step in acknowledging the Divine Feminine within the largely patriarchal narrative of the church.
However, for many who are drawn to the Magdalene Frequencies, there is a deep knowing and understanding of Mary Magdalene’s Divine Feminine Lineage, and the sisterhood and brotherhood of souls who devoted their lives to the Divine Feminine Mystery teachings.
Celebrating Mary Magdalene: A Feast of Divine Feminine Wisdom
Mary Magdalene’s feast day as observed within the Catholic Church is July 22nd.
She is honored for her close discipleship with Jesus, and for being the first to witness and announce His resurrection.
She is also honored for her role as a prominent figure in the early Christian movement. Her contribution reflects her devotion, spiritual adeptness and the pivotal role she played, often hidden from the uninitiated.
On her feast day, many within and outside of organized religion, choose to reflect on Mary Magdalene’s life journey – from her transformation and redemption to her steadfast faith and devotion to Jesus Christ.
This sacred day also serves to honor and connect with the Divine Feminine Christ Consciousness available within us all. It encourages us to embrace the qualities associated with this energy – compassion, intuition, creativity, wisdom, and spiritual insight – as Mary Magdalene herself did.
It is a day to honor not just Mary Magdalene, but also the divine feminine aspect in each one of us, reminding us of our own spiritual potential.
In observing Mary Magdalene’s feast day, we can consciously cultivate a deeper awareness and alignment with the Divine Feminine, nurturing our own spiritual growth awakening, and ascension.
As we honor Mary Magdalene, we also celebrate the often unacknowledged feminine aspects of the Divine: Mercy, Light Consciousness, Tenderness, Love, Wisdom, Understanding, Strength, Courage.
We renew our commitment to integrate these Divine Feminine Qualities into our lives and spiritual practices, to harmonize the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine within us.
Thus, Mary Magdalene’s feast day is not only a celebration of her life and teachings but also an opportunity to revere and connect with the Divine Feminine Christ Consciousness, and the sacred wisdom of the Soul within.
Mary Magdalene and Divine Feminine Christ Consciousness
In today’s world, where we stand at the precipice of a global shift in consciousness, Mary Magdalene’s teachings take on new significance. Magdalene is a very active Divine Feminine teacher within the Christ Light stream, and she continues to serve and guide humanity through awakening and into the ascension process.
The Divine Feminine Christ Consciousness, embodied by Mary Magdalene, promotes healing, compassion, and the awareness of all aspects of our being. It speaks to the awakening of the heart and the embodiment of love, illuminating our paths towards spiritual enlightenment.
The Magdalenes
The Divine Feminine Christ Consciousness we observe and celebrate through the embodiment of Mary Magdalena is from my perspective, a part of the Divine Feminine Initiation Stream, whose energy is known by some as “The Magdalenes”.
I see the the Magdalenes as being priestesses within the Divine Feminine Initiation Stream, a sacred circle of souls, with roots in the Essene, Daughters of Isis, Avalon, and Celtic, Feminine Mystery teachings.
Individuals who feel a deep connection to the Divine Feminine mysteries, and the Divine Feminine Initiation Stream often hold a deep awareness and appreciation of the beauty of the mysteries of life and the sacred.
Many “Magdalenes”, or initiates of the Divine Feminine mysteries are present on the planet now, serving in awakening and aligning with the light of Self Realization and Higher Consciousness available for All. Harmonizing the Divine Masculine and Divine Feminine, and raising awareness to embody Soul, Higher Self, Source, within.
Aligning with Mary Magdalene
Listen to a FREE Activate the Light of Love Meditation with Mary Magdalene Here >>
You can also deepen in alignment through deep reverence in Nature, looking for and seeing the underlying beauty, light and energy within all.
Honor Mary Magdalene by awakening love within your own heart center, embodying your Soul essence, and remembering your direct connection to God, Goddess, Spirit, that is within you and within All.
Practicing mindfulness, heart-centered meditation, and other spiritual practices can help cultivate a strong and intimate connection with Mary Magdalene. Invoking her presence during these practices can amplify your spiritual journey, helping you to tap into your own divine feminine energy and awaken the Christ Consciousness within.
You may also enjoy working with and reflecting on the symbol of the rose —an ancient symbol of the Divine Feminine Mysteries.
Mary Magdalene is much more than just a historical figure. She is an active embodiment of divine feminine power, a beacon of Christ Light, and a powerful spiritual guide, ushering us all towards a higher level of awareness, remembrance, and embodiment of the Truth.
Across the lines of time, the teachings, stories, and living energy of the Magdalenes and of Mary Magdalene serves as an illuminating force of light, reminding us of the profound power of love, compassion, devotion, and spiritual awakening available to us all.
receive a short message from Mary Magdalene Here:
With love and gratitude,
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