Market Force Review – Legit Mystery Shopping Opportunities


Is Market Force legit? If you’re new to the idea of mystery shopping and you’ve just discovered this company, that’s what you might be wondering.

Fortunately, Market Force is one mystery shopping company that is legit and that most people seem thoroughly satisfied with. I say “most” because I do know at least one person who wasn’t as impressed as others seem to be and didn’t get access to many local mystery shop opportunities.

Market Force has been around since 1972, and the reason the majority of people do seem to like them so much is because they pay you for doing things you might do anyway, like going to McDonald’s, your local bank, or buying something from a convenience/gas station down the road.

How much does Market Force pay?

The amount you’re paid varies depending on what you’re doing, but most of the gigs you do should average out to more than $10 hourly (in some cases much more).

You’ll be asked to visit a place of business and purchase something costing at least a certain amount of money as well as fill out a survey on how clean the place was, how helpful the workers were, and things like that.

You’re generally reimbursed for what you bought and paid a little extra for taking the time to do the mystery shop.

It’s definitely not going to amount to a fortune and probably won’t pay all your bills, but it could be a source of extra money for you.

How often does Market Force pay?

You get paid once a month for the mystery shops you performed the previous month, and payment is made via direct deposit to your bank account.

For most people, it seems payments are processed on the 20th of each month for what you did the month prior.

You have to fill out all forms correctly and follow the instructions to a T or you may not be paid for your completed mystery shops.

Note you never pay Market Force! And in fact if any company is trying to get you to pay them for a mystery shopping job, they are trying to scam you.

What are the requirements to apply?

You can sign up with Market Force as long as you are at least 18 years old with a minimum of a high school diploma.

Market Force is open to people in the US, Canada, and (possibly) the UK.

How much do people usually earn with Market Force?

The amount earned is directly related to how many shops you do or are given access to. Some people earn a few hundred dollars per month, while others might get $50 or below.

It all depends on how much you participate and how much is available for you to do in your area.

What do other people say about Market Force?

Most people seem to like participating in Market Force, but I have read some negative reviews, too.

In general, people seem to enjoy being compensated for going places where they might already be going. There have been a few complaints here and there on different job boards where people got upset because they didn’t get paid for some of the mystery shops they completed, but then other people chimed in to say they’ve always been paid.

Even though I don’t do Market Force, I’ve read enough positives about the company and spoke with people whom I know personally that enjoy the mystery shopping through this company that I feel comfortable posting it here as a legitimate opportunity.

I consider Market Force one of the top ten mystery shopping companies you can join.

Want to read the reviews for yourself? You can find a lot of user-submitted information on Market Force at the Mystery Shop Forum.

How can you sign up for Market Force?

You can go here to sign up for Market Force.

If you’re not comfortable submitting your personal information through their online application, you can also email [email protected] to ask for the paperwork, which you can then print and fax back to them.

Curious About Other Ways to Mystery Shop (And More Detail On How It Works In General)?

I have a VERY inexpensive e-book that may help you! Your Quick Guide to Making Money as a Mystery Shopper contains a ton of the information you may be wondering about.

You’ll learn –

  • What mystery shopping is
  • Who qualifies to mystery shop
  • The equipment you need
  • Tips for being a good mystery shopper
  • How to determine if an opportunity is a scam
  • PLUS Over 50 legitimate mystery shopping companies that are looking for shoppers now!

And the best part is, this e-book is just $1!

After your download, it will come to you via a PDF file in your email.


Good luck to you!


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