Meet man, who once earned Rs 1000 a month, built Rs 5000 crore company, he is…


People are inspired and motivated to aim high and never give up by the success story of Chandubhai Virani.

People are inspired and motivated to aim high and never give up by the success story of Chandubhai Virani. He persevered in the face of many obstacles and disappointments and created a prosperous company that is now well-known throughout India. Chandubhai’s path to fame started out small, earning a pitiful Rs 1000 a month for odd jobs like fixing movie seats and selling snacks at a theatre. But he made the decision to take the risk and launch his own company because he knew that he wanted more from life. When he started manufacturing his own chips, the public responded overwhelmingly well. This motivated him to establish his first factory for his potato wafer business in 1982 by taking out a loan of Rs 1.5 lakh. 

Even after his first business venture failed and he was facing financial difficulties, Chandubhai persisted. With more forethought and diligence, he started a new company that is now worth crores of rupees and has expanded across the country. He and his brothers founded Balaji Wafers Private Limited in 1992 as a result of the factory’s success, and it is currently one of India’s top producers of snacks. 

Currently owned by Chandubhai Virani, Balaji Wafers has grown to be a major force in India’s snack market. The company is ranked third among the biggest snack sellers in the nation, with a 12 percent market share and a valuation of Rs 43,800 crore. The company boasts a robust distribution network and a wide range of products. Balaji Wafers had a turnover of Rs 5000 crore in March of last year, employing 7000 people, half of whom were women. With an hourly capacity to produce 3,400 kg of chips, the company’s production capacity is equally impressive.

The success story of Chandubhai Virani demonstrates that anyone can overcome any obstacle and achieve great success with determination, hard work, and careful planning. 


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